Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
What is ADD/ADHD?
ADD is a disorder, which results in a reduced ability to focus and concentrate, an increased chance of distraction and reduction in memory capability. ADHD includes an aspect of hyperactivity, including fidgeting, excessive talking and a general plethora of physical movement and impulsive actions.
Who has ADD?
Studies show that people with ADD tend to be average or above average in terms of intelligence. Three to five percent of the general population has ADD. One to three percent of college students have ADD. ADD affects three males per female. Famous people who have been diagnosed with ADD include: Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and General George Patton. See attached list.
What causes ADD?
ADD has a large genetic component, and is caused by a neuro-chemical disconnection between two parts of the frontal lobes inside the brain, which affects the central nervous system’s development, therefore, causes loss in the ability to concentrate.
What are characteristics of ADD?
Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness are the three primary characteristics of ADD. See attached.
How is it treated?
ADD is a disorder that lasts a lifetime, thus not curable. The best treatment for ADD is combining medication, behavior modification strategies, and professional counseling.
Are there any laws against ADD discrimination?
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975, states that students with ADD are eligible for legal recourse if they feel they have experienced classroom discrimination and these acts protect all students, regardless of their academic level.
How is it diagnosed?
Diagnosis is often difficult. Try to look out for characteristics like inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
How does it impact a person’s life, their family and the community?
Persons diagnosed with ADD may have difficulty working with other people due to inattention, thus maybe not as dependable. But, it is also proven that people with ADD generally possess above average intelligence. The hyperactivity aspect may cause annoyance to those around them. Impulsiveness may cause people diagnosed with ADD to be less sociable. They may also have difficulty completing schoolwork, giving them a disadvantage at school.
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